Your inner life is personal —
and, it’s meant to be shared


Intro to Inner Sourcing

We get together for shared learning, support, accountability, and friendship in the experience of cultivating a personal connection with Spirit. Claire and Angie host free Zoom sessions for folks in their 20s.

The arc of a typical session is:


Sign Up

If you’re in your 20s and curious to dive deeper, sign up here to get info about the Inner Sourcing community.

We have paused our Intro to Inner Sourcing sessions for the time being, but sign up here to connect and find out about future offerings.


Just want to get in touch?

What People Are Saying

“A remarkable community of young and wise people that I never knew existed.”

— Rachel, 24

“We have fun, we get real, and we hold one another through the unfolding process of life.”

— Serena, 23

“This group spiritually nourishes me in ways that I didn’t know I needed.”

— Nicole, 23