This is Going Inward, a 7-day journey into your inner life.
Today is Day 4
Today is about your healthy need for inner connection—and how to get that need met.
Framing Day 4: Healthy Need
This is Going Inward, a 7-day journey into your inner life. Today is Day 4.
So here we are,
headed inward to make contact with your inner Spirit.
That idea might bring up a whole host of thoughts and feelings for you.
Maybe skepticism, curiosity, anxiousness about doing it right, confusion, questions of worthiness, excitement, worry about what people will think.
Or none of that, or something else.
It’s okay if a lot comes up.
Most of us have been told for a long time that almost everything else is more important than this journey we’re about to go on.
Most of us don’t feel we have permission to go in search of Spirit on our own.
I’m here to tell you that you do.
And what’s more, no one else can take the journey that you’re embarking on.
It’s personal, it’s yours.
The longing you feel is connected to a very deep and very healthy need.
That pain of disconnection from your own true voice -- that comes from somewhere.
You need inner connection to survive.
It’s nourishment, it’s life.
When you ignore the spirit that animates you from the very heart of your being, you put yourself at real risk,
because it is through this connection that you become yourself.
There is no one else like you, and that is a good and healthy thing.
Your uniqueness matters.
You, specifically, have value, and you get to discover and express that value through your connection to Spirit.
So your need for spiritual connection is real and healthy, and it’s okay to feel it.
It’s also okay not to know what to do about it yet, we’ll get there.
For now, I invite you to acknowledge the need, to allow it, to trust that it’s worth following.
It’s worth getting this need met, even if it takes your whole life.
This need is worthy of you.
Experience Day 4
Healthy Need
Come take your seat.
Get comfortable, breathe deeply.
We are here to re-enter the inner world.
Take your time.
Really take your time.
You have nothing in here but time and space.
There’s nowhere you need to be and nothing you have to worry about for the next 7 minutes.
Our sole focus is to enter the mind in search of Spirit.
So I invite you to open up that mind space you have been cultivating,
to re-enter that beautiful environment that houses your inner spirit presence.
Remember, all fears and resentments are blocked from entering.
All unloving messages are blocked from entering.
This space is safe and protected -- and yours.
Feel yourself arriving here.
And as you settle in, notice a warm glow coming from the very very center of this space.
It’s coming from your sacred core, the inner bastion of your being.
I invite you to take in the presence of Spirit at your center,
illuminating your whole mind
and animating your whole heart.
Imagine Spirit however you imagine Spirit.
Allow yourself to feel the warmth of Spirit’s energy, radiating from within yourself.
Perhaps you have felt a longing for deeper connection in your life. This is where that longing finds its home.
In this inner Spirit relationship, your need, all of your need, is welcome.
And not only welcome but received.
So let’s practice that today.
What do you need? What do you really need?
Whatever it is, Spirit can take it.
There is nothing that Spirit can’t handle.
So for the next minute or so, just lay it out to Spirit.
Tell Spirit exactly what you need, and don’t hold back.
You can do this silently or even say it out loud.
Go for it.
Now imagine your inner Spirit receiving all of that completely
and enfolding you in an embrace.
Wrapping you up in love.
It’s okay to need what you need.
Your inner Spirit wants you to share all this and more.
This is the beginning of getting your true needs met.
This is the place to come back to.
Great work today.