This is Going Inward, a 7-day journey into your inner life.
Today is Day 2
The Framing for today is a 3-minute teaching about the mind, and the Experience gives you a chance to re-imagine how being in your mind could feel.
Framing Day 2: Re-Minding
This is Going Inward, a 7-day journey into your inner life. Today is Day 2.
So we want to follow this longing for something more.
We want to see where it leads.
And that could be exciting - I hope it touches a chord of excitement for you.
We start off by going inward,
and then we’re confronted with the mind.
The mind with its haphazard tumble of thoughts and its tangles of anxiety and so much else.
What does it feel like in your mind? Is it a place that you want to be?
What I want to do today is just clear the air a little bit.
You have a right to your own mind.
In fact, you have a right to your whole inner life.
It belongs to you.
No one else can come in.
You are safe in this space.
Now that’s not to say it feels that way right now,
because I know for many of us it doesn’t.
But if we want that to change, one of the first most important things is just to stand up and take ownership.
This space is mine.
My mind is not my enemy.
My mind is my home.
I make the rules of what happens here,
and I can change them.
Your experience of your mind and of your whole inner life can change.
In fact, I’m sure it has over the course of your life so far.
What’s exciting about where we’re going on this inner journey, is that it’s intentional.
We’re cultivating the mind on purpose.
And I don’t just mean in the sense of adding more knowledge,
but rather in the sense of exploring new terrain, gaining new ground, and making new discoveries about what’s possible in your own inner landscape.
Within your mind lives the most worthwhile destination imaginable.
It is yours, and we’ll learn how to go there together.
Experience Day 2
Welcome back to the inner world.
Close your eyes if it helps you, and turn inward.
Take a breath or two to arrive here.
Don’t be afraid to make sound when you do.
Today we are entering the mind on purpose -
Your powerful mind.
Last time you may have encountered some challenging things in here, and this may already be happening again right now.
We’re going to start to do something about that.
So here’s what I want you to do:
Imagine an expansive environment, one that you really want to be in -- make it a place where you feel at home, and where you also feel excited just by being there.
Somewhere you feel at home and where you also feel excited.
Allow yourself to feel all the goodness of being in this place.
Look around and breathe it in.
This place is yours.
No one else even knows about it.
You’re the only one.
So when you’re here, you’re protected.
And if some of that negativity tries to creep in, say NO.
All fears and resentments are blocked from entering.
All unloving messages are blocked from entering.
If they try to creep in, say NO.
And that means in this space, you have complete permission to relax and be yourself.
Just breathe through whatever that may bring up for you.
Focus, to the best of your ability, on imagining being in this space.
Keep looking around, taking it in,
or maybe just resting.
I invite you to linger here for a little while.
For a whole minute or so, let’s just be in this environment.
From now on, I invite you to imagine that this space IS your mind.
And you can return here, always.
Soon we’ll have the chance to explore what goodness awaits you here.
Nice work.