This is Going Inward, a 7-day journey into your inner life.

Today is Day 1

The 3-minute Framing explores what we mean by going inward, and the 5-minute Experience gives you a chance to try it!


Framing Day 1: Going Inward


This is Going Inward
A seven day journey into your inner life
Today is Day 1

What’s going on behind your eyes right now?
What are you thinking about? Wishing for?
There’s a whole world in there, of course
The world of “within you,” the realm of your experience
This world is real

In the inner world you carry your feelings and ideas, your pain, and your longings
And more than that too
More than your vital organs or even your mind, something unifies and coheres your experience and makes it possible for you to experience more

How is it that you are you? How is it that you can form relationships with other people? How do you know the difference between a good decision and one you don’t want to make again?

You carry an internal power to discern, imagine, and create
You can sense values and choose them
At any given moment you can decide to be honest or dishonest, loyal or disloyal, compassionate or cold
What is that about, that consciousness of consciousness?
In the inner world we can be moved by friendship, romance, and goodness of heart
We can tap love in here
What makes you remarkable is housed in the inner world, and through practice, you can overcome the feeling of disconnection from this power

In fact, you can cultivate and hone your capacity to source your life from the inner realm
This is what we mean when we talk about going inward
And this is what we will do

Experience Day 1


Going Inward

Come with me
We’re going to take 5 minutes just to be in the inner world
Do whatever you need to do to be as comfortable and uninterrupted as possible

Close your eyes if it helps, but you don’t have to
Take a couple of breaths
For these minutes today, our only assignment is to be

Just be in your own personal experience
I know for many of us this ranks up there among the hardest things to do

So keep breathing
Just by being here, you’re making a powerful choice
As we did last time, notice what you’re encountering

A lot of us have pain and negativity, judgment, anxiety, anger and fear in here
Many of us have a strong inner critic
I know being in the inner world with all of this can be hard to bear

So keep breathing
What I can promise you, is that where we’re going, within your inner world, has the power to hold everything you’re struggling with and more

I promise you this
Today what you’re finding may be anywhere from unbearable to interesting to beautiful and exciting
Wherever you are, you’re doing great just by hanging in there

To close, I invite you into a moment of gratitude for your own courage
Actually thank yourself, and draw it out for awhile
You have just chosen to enter the inner world
Great things await you here