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The longing is real

There is more to your inner life
Venture inward and connect to the source


What is inner sourcing?


This is our language for a very natural process. You likely sense the importance of paying attention to the state of your inner life. And regardless of your beliefs, you probably value being connected to something greater than yourself.  

So you may have tried mindfulness meditation, in which you go inward to cultivate a state of awareness or presence. And maybe you’ve also tried worship and prayer, in which you look outward to communicate with an external power.

Both of these practices are deeply important. 

What we – and many before us – have discovered, is that the practices of meditation, worship, and prayer are not mutually exclusive. In fact, each one becomes more potent when you experience one basic truth: 

A part of that external power–the one you might pray to, worship, or seek to know–lives in you and wants to be expressed through you. Here we will call that power Spirit. 

By intentionally cultivating connection to Spirit within, you can go beyond mindfulness to engagement. Beyond relaxation to relationship. And beyond awareness to actually feeling Spirit’s attention on you. Over time, this leads to feeling loved from within, and the desire to express that love in the world. That inner-outer journey is what we call inner sourcing.


What People Are Saying

“Going inward has been a life-line for me, grounding me through the uncertainties of this year.”

— Serena, 23

“I feel a sense of support and love that I have been searching for for years.”

— Brit, 25

“[This practice] has transformed the way I connect with myself, others, and the world.”

— Nicole, 23